Our Noble Mission For God In Pakistan

Mission Work Details For Needy People

Great thanks to Almighty God that He has chosen us, honored us and given us a great mission in Pakistan for His sheep. We are serving Him as His army. With the Grace of God,our struggle is fruitful in spite of having so many hurdles and difficulties.All glory to our great God.We need suggestions and help for this big, noble and humble task.

We are working on different projects


Documentary On Christians Worst Condition In Pakistan

Documentary On Overall Pakistani Christians 
Overall Pakistan is a poor country. There are several minorities in Pakistan but unfortunately, Christians financially, educationally, morally and religiously are at the worst and bottom level in Pakistan. We often visit in different remote areas and we do all for them whatever we may do for them in our limited resources. We are able to help Christians financially on just special occasions. Therefore, we request to all our generous, helpful, compassionate, and well to do Christian brothers and sisters to help Pakistani Christians with finance, keeping God's love in your hearts.

     To show the bad condition of our Pakistani Poor Jesus sheep, we have made documentaries for Christ lovers all over the world to donate us for better and prosperous life.